吉川 正信


著者 タイトル 書誌情報
Masanobu Yoshikawa, Masataka Murakami, Tomoyuki Uchida, Junichiro Samejima, Kana Mitsuzawa, Nobuhiro Matoba, Minwho Lim1, Oleg Rusch1, Mathias Rommel1
(1: Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB, Erlangen, Germany)
Anisotropic stress observation of 4H-SiC trench metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor test structures by scanning near-field optical Raman microscope J Raman Spectrosc. 2024;1–7.
M. Yoshikawa Advanced Optical Spectroscopy Techniques for Semiconductors: Raman, Infrared, and Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy Springer 1st ed. 2023版 (2023/3/24) DOI; 10.1007/978-3-031-19722-2
M. Yoshikawa,
Masataka Murakami,
Yasuhiko Fujita
Structural characterization of intersections between semiconducting and metallic carbon nanotubes using tipenhanced Raman spectroscopy J Raman Spectrosc. 2022;53:1048–1054.
M. Yoshikawa,
Masataka Murakami,
Yasuhiko Fujita
Characterization of inhomogeneity at edges of graphene oxide films using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy J. Raman Spectrosc., 2022; 53:1394-1401
M. Yoshikawa,
Yasuhiko Fujita, and
Masataka Murakami
Stress Characterization of the Interface Between Thermal Oxide and the 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layer Using Near-Field Optical Raman Microscopy Applied Spectroscopy 2019, Vol. 73(10) 1193–1200
J. Sameshima,
M. Yoshikawa
An effect of residual gas component on detected secondary ions during TOF-SIMS depth profiling and a method to estimate contained component SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS, 50, 8, p.802-806, (2018)
Masanobu Yoshikawa Infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy of semiconductor Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry (John Wiley & Sons Ltd), 2018
Masanobu Yoshikawa,
Keiko Inoue,
Junichiro Sameshima,
and Hirohumi Seki
Characterization of Inhomogeneity in Thermal Oxide SiO2 Films on 4H-SiC Epitaxial Substrates by a Combination of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy Materials Science Forum Vol. 924, pp 273-276, 2018
Hirofumi Seki,
Masanobu Yoshikawa,
Takuma Kobayashi,
Tsunenobu Kimoto, and
Yukihiro Ozaki
Characterization of Thermal Oxides on 4H-SiC Epitaxial Substrates Using Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Applied Spectroscopy, 2016, Vol. 71(5) 911–918
Masanobu Yoshikawa,
Kenichi Kosaka,
Hirohumi Seki, and
Tsunenobu Kimoto
Stress Characterization of 4H-SiC Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) using Raman Spectroscopy and the Finite Element Method Applied Spectroscopy, 2016, Vol. 70(7) 1209–1213
Masanobu Yoshikawa Abnormal Raman Spectral Variation with Excitation Wavelength in Boron-Doped Single-Crystalline Diamond Materials Science Forum Vol. 858, pp 1158-1161, 2015
Masanobu Yoshikawa,
Hirohumi Seki,
Keiko Inoue,
Yuichiro Nanen,
Tsunenobu Kimoto
Characterization of Inhomogeneity in Silicon Dioxide Films on 4H-Silicon Carbide Epitaxial Substrate Using a Combination of Fourier Transform Infrared and Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy Applied Spectroscopy, 2014, Vol. 68(10) 1176–1180
M. Yoshikawa, et al Characterization of Inhomogeneity in SiO2 Films on 4H-SiC Epitaxial Substrate By a Combination of Fourier Transform Infrared and Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy Applied Spectroscopy, 2014, Vol.68(10), in press
M. Yoshikawa, et al Abnormal Behavior of LO phonon in Silicon Dioxide Films on 4H-SiC Bulk Epitaxial Substrate by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy Applied Spectroscopy, Vol.67(5), p.542-545, 2013
M. Yoshikawa, et al Characterization of silicon dioxide films on 4H-SiC (0001) Si, (1-100)M, and (11-20) A faces by cathodoluminescence spectroscopy Applied Physics Letters, 102, 051612(2013)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Characterization of Silicon Dioxide Films on 4H-SiC Si (0001) Face by Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Applied Physics Letters, 100, 082105(2012)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Characterization of Silicon Dioxide Films on 4H-SiC Si(0001) Face by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy Applied Spectroscopy, Vol.65(5), p.543-548, 2011
吉川正信 紫外励起近接場ラマン顕微鏡によるシリコン半導体の二次元応力評価 分析化学, 第60巻, 第7号, p.533-541, 2011
吉川正信、三輪 優子 白色LEDの劣化解析 月刊ディスプレイ, 6月号, 2010
吉川正信 白色LEDの劣化解析 月刊ディスプレイ, 4月号, 2010
Naoki Muraki,
Takeshi Miyamoto, and
Masanobu Yoshikawa
Depth profile analysis of organic multi-layer device with nanometer resolution using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy Chem. Phys. Lett., 499, p.158-160, 2010
Naoki Muraki, and
Masanobu Yoshikawa
Characterization of the interface between metal and tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum using surface-enhanced Raman scattering with glass cap encapsulation Chem. Phys. Lett., 496, p.91-93, 2010
R. Sugie, M. Takeshi,
Masanobu Yoshikawa, et al
Cathodoluminescence Microcharacterization of Radiative Recombination Centers in Lifetime-Controlled Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 49, p.04DP15.1-04DP15.4, 2010
M. Yoshikawa, M. Murakami,
H. Ishida and H. Harima1
(1:Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Characterizing nanometer-sized V-defects in InGaN single quantum well films by high-spatial-resolution cathodoluminescence spectroscopy Applied Physics Letters, 94, 131908(2009)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Characterization of V-defects in InGaN Single-Quantum-Well Films at Nanometer Level by High Spatial Resolution Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy Materials Science Forum, Vols. 600-603, p.1305-1308 (2009)
Keiko Inoue,
Takeshi Nakagawa,
Masanobu Yoshikawa,
Noriyuki Hasuike, and
Hiroshi Harima
Characterization of Nanometer-sized ZnO by Raman and Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopies Materials Science Forum, Vols. 600-603, p. 1357-1359, 2009
Takaya Fujita,
Takeshi Mitani,
Masataka Murakami,
Masanobu Yoshikawa,
and Hiroshi Harima,
Correlation Between Screw Dislocations Distribution and Cathodoluminescence Spectra of InGaN Single Quantum Well Films Materials Science Forum, Vols. 600-603, p.1309-1312, 2009
Takeshi Mitani,
Ryo Hattori, and
Masanobu Yoshikawa
Depth Profiling of Al Ion-Implantation Damage in SiC Crystals by Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy Materials Science Forum, Vols. 600-603, p.615-618, 2009
Ryuichi Sugie,
Masanobu Yoshikawa ,
Shin Harada, and
Yasuo Namikawa
Expansion of Stacking Faults by Electron-Beam Irradiation in 4H-SiC Diode Structure Materials Science Forum, Vols. 600-603, p.353-356, 2009
M. Yoshikawa Stress characterization of nano-polycrystalline silicon films and silicon and by near-field and far-field Raman Microscope, using UV resonant Scattering Trends in nanotechnology, 2008
M. Yoshikawa, et al Characterization of V-defects in InGaN single quantum well films at the nanometer level by high-spatial-resolution cathodoluminescence spectroscopy Applied Spectroscopy, 62, 86 (2008)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Characterization of ZnO nanoparticles by resonant Raman scattering and cathodoluminescence spectroscopies Applied Physics Letters, 92, 113115 (2008)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Highly sensitive detection of the near-filed Raman scattered light from strained Si/SiGe heterostructures by scanning near-field optical Raman microscope, using ultraviolet resonant Raman scattering Applied Physics Letters, 92, 091903 (2008)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Stress Characterization of Si by Near-field Raman Microscope, using Resonant Scattering Applied Spectroscopy, 62, 86 (2008)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Characterization of Si nanostructures using a noncontact mode, scanning near-field optical Raman microscope, with 100nm spatial resolution and 5nm depth resolution, using ultraviolet resonant Raman scattering Applied Physics Letters, 91, 131908 (2007)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Stress characterization of Si by a scanning Near-field optical Raman microscope with spatial resolution and with penetration depth at the nanometer level, using resonant Raman scattering Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 45, L486 (2006)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Defect characterization of Si-doped GaN films by a scanning near-field optical microscope –induced photoluminescence using an ultra violet laser and by high spatial resolution cathodoluminescence spectroscopy Applied Physics Letters, 88, 161905 (2006)
Ryuichi Sugie,
Masanobu Yoshikawa, et al
Investigation of stress-induced defects in shallow trench isolation by cathodoluminescence and Raman spectroscopies J. Appl. Phys., 100, p.064504-064504-5, 2006
M. Yoshikawa, et al Characterization of Si nano-polycrystalline films at the nanometer level using Resonant Raman scattering Journal of Applied Physics, 98, 063531 (2005)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Resonant Raman scattering from N-doped and Si-doped diamondlike amorphous carbon films Phys. Rev. B, 69, 045410R (2004)
Naoki Muraki,
N. Matoba,
T. Hirano,
M. Yoshikawa
Determination of thermal stress distribution in a model microelectronic device encapsulated with alumina filled epoxy resin using fluorescence spectroscopy Polymer, 43, p.1277-1285, 2002
M. Yoshikawa, et al Characterization of silicon dioxide film by high spatial resolution cathodoluminescence spectroscopy Journal of Applied Physics, vol.92, No.12, 7153 (2002)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Resonant Raman scattering from buried AlxGa1-xN(x<0.17) layers in (Al, Ga, In)N heterostructures Journal of Applied Physics, 87, 2583 (2000)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Band-gap renormalization and band filling in Si-doped GaN films studied by photoluminescence spectroscopy Journal of Applied Physics, 86, 4400 (1999)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Characterization of carrier concentration and stress in GaAs metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor by cathodoluminescence spectroscopy Journal of Applied Physics, 51, 1693 (1998)
吉川正信、岩上 景子 ラマン分光法によるダイヤモンド状炭素膜の構造評価 表面技術, 49, 80 (1998)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Characterization of Fluorine-doped Silicon Dioxide Film by Raman Spectroscopy Thin Solid Films, 310, 167 (1997)
吉川正信、永井 直人 最先端半導体の光計測  半導体材料の分析技術の現状について 光技術コンタクト, 35, p.554-572, 1996
吉川正信、石田 英之 ラマン分光法による表面・薄膜の構造評価 表面技術, 47, 18 (1996)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Characterization of Anisotropic Stress around Si Trenches by Polarized Raman Spectroscopy Journal of Applied Physics, 78, 941 ( 1995)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Raman scattering from nanometer-sized diamond Applied Physics Letters, 67, 694 (1995)
吉川正信、石田 英之 第1章 試料全体の分析による平均的情報 振動スペクトル分析 ラマン分光分析 粉体工学会誌, 32, p.486-491, 1995
M. Yoshikawa, et al Determination of Anisotropic Refractive Indices of A Single-Crystal Organic Thin Film by Attenuated Total Reflection Raman Spectroscopy Applied Physics Letters, 64, 2096(1994)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Raman Scattering from Diamond Particles Applied Physics Letters, 62, 3114 (1993)
吉川正信、石田 英之 特集 光技術者のための表面分析入門 ラマン分光と表面 O plus E, 162, 103-108, 1993
M. Yoshikawa, et al Raman Scattering from sp2 Carbon Clusters Phys. Rev. B, 46, 7169 (1992)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Study of Crystallographic Orientations in the Diamond Film on the (100) Surface of Cubic Boron Nitride Using a Raman Microprobe Applied Physics Letters, 58(13), 1387 (1991)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Study of Crystallographic Orientations in the Diamond Film on Cubic Boron Nitride Using Raman Microprobe Applied Physics Letters, 57(5), 428 (1990)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Raman Spectra of Diamondlike Amorphous Carbon Films Science and Technology of New Diamond, 1, 445 (1990)
M. Yoshikawa Raman Spectra of Diamondlike Amorphous Carbon Films NEW DIAMOND, 1, 54 (1990)
吉川正信 ラマン分光法によるダイヤモンド膜の評価 日本材料科学会, 28, 133 (1990).
I. Nagai,
A. Ishitani,
H. Kuroda,
Masanobu Yoshikawa,
N. Nagai
Preparation of diamondlike carbon films by electron cyclotron resonance chemical vapor deposition J. Appl. Phys., 67, p.:2890-2893, 1990
M. Yoshikawa, et al Characterization of Crystalline Quality of Diamond Films by Raman Spectroscopy Applied Physics Letters, 55(25), 2608 (1989)
Naoto Nagai,
M. Yoshikawaet al
FT-IR study on microstructure of diamondlike amorphous carbon films. Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 1145, p.496-497, 1989
吉川正信、石田 英之、石谷 炯 表面と微小部分析の実際 PETROTEC 12, 836(1989)
M. Yoshikawa Raman spectra of diamondlike amorphous carbon films Mater. Sci. Forum, 52-53, 365 (1989)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Raman Spectra of Diamondlike Amorphous Carbon Films Solid State Communications, 66, 1177 (1988)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Raman Spectra of Diamondlike Amorphous Carbon Films Journal of Applied Physics, 64, 6464 (1988)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Resonant Raman Scattering of Diamondlike Amorphous Carbon Films Applied Physics Letters, 52, 1639 (1988)
吉川正信 ダイヤモンド状炭素膜のラマンスペクトル New Diamond, 4, 16(1988)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Raman Spectra of NH4-TCNQ-I and -II Journal of The Physical Society of Japan, Vol.55, No.4, p.1177-1187(1986)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Raman Spectra of Thin TCNQ Films Deposited on Silver Films Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Vol.17, 369-371 (1986)
M. Yoshikawa, et al Pressure Raman Effect in TCNQ Salts Solid State Communications, Vol.48, No.1, p.13-16(1983)


著書名 発行年月 書誌情報
「合成高分子赤外・ラマン分光法」 2014年12月 講談社
ラマン分光法(講談社) 2014年12月 講談社
薄膜の評価技術ハンドブック 2013年1月 テクノシステム
分析化学実技シリーズ「表面分析」 2011年8月 共立出版
化合物半導体大全 2009年 電子ジャーナル
Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy 2002年 “Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy”, edited by J.M.Chalmers and P.R.Griffiths, (Wiley, Chichester, 2002), p.259
2010年 サイエンス&テクノロジー
樹脂の硬化度・硬化挙動の測定と評価方法 2007年 サイエンス&テクノロジー
表面・界面工学大系[上巻] 基礎編 2005年 フジ・テクノシステム
粉体分析講座-ラマン分光分析- 1999年 アィ・ティー・アイ
実用分光法シリーズ(3)ラマン分光法 1998年 株式会社アイピーシー
膜形成技術用語辞典 1996年 工業調査会
Raman Spectra of Diamondlike
Amorphous Carbon Films
1990年 Properties and Characterization of Amorphous Carbon Films ed.by J.J.Pouch and S.A.Alterovitz 52&53, p.365 (Materials Science Forum)


発明者 発明の名称 公開番号
宮本 隆志 、吉川正信 分析方法およびそれを具備する分析装置 特開2016-145802
吉川正信 近接場プローブの作製方法 特開2010-217135
吉川正信 光分析装置および分光分析方法 特開2009-204559
吉川正信 カソードルミネッセンス装置及びそれを用いた分析方法 特開2008-249478
吉川正信 試料の応力または歪みを測定する方法 特開2007-147607
吉川正信 共鳴ラマン散乱測定による分析方法 特開2006-052965